
Bai Li's pome 2

      知我相思苦,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极,早 知如此绊人心,何如当初莫相识.

译文]秋天的风是如此的凄清,秋天的月是如此的明亮,落叶飘飘聚了还离散,连栖息在树上的鸦雀都心惊。想当日彼此亲爱相聚,现在分开后何日再相聚,在这秋风球月的夜里, 真是情何以堪;走入相思之门,知道相思之苦,永远的相思永远的的回忆,短暂的相思却也无止境,早知相思如此的在心中牵绊,不如当初就不要相识。 

 Autumn wind is so desolate ,autumn moon is so bright .The leaves falling to the ground , even the crows are not happy in the trees , Recalled  before we love each other  . when we are Separation, i do no know when we can met again. Autumn wind blowing in the night ,think of it like to really feel then. When you into the Lovesickness door ,you kown what is lovesickness bitter . Although this is Short-term memory , but i will remember forever . If i know acacia is  so uncomfortable,  I would rather we never met. 

i read this poem use 15 min 
and i translate this poem use 30min


Bai Li's poem 1

               (唐)李 白
    白 发 三 千 丈,
    缘 愁 似 个 长。
   不 知 明 镜 里,
   何 处 得 秋 霜。
  我头上的白发长到三千丈!只因我心中的愁绪也这样长。对着明亮的镜子,我的头发白得像秋霜。我真不知道哪里弄来这模样!My hair grows to three thousand meters,just like my Melancholy. when i face to the mirror , i can see my hair  is as white as snow . i have no idea about it
This poem use romantic and exaggeration,About the poet is very talented, but he can not achieve the dream  "My hair grows to three thousand meters" this one just a metaphor.This sentence is usedto describe the poet's melancholy

i read this poem use 5 min
Chinese translation use 20 min
English  translation  use  30min
opinion  use  25 min


Independent study--Bai Li(李白)

The Poet Introduction:            
                          李白(Bai Li)(公元701年—公元762年)(AD701year--AD762year),字太白祖籍(homeland)陇西成纪,生于(born)碎叶城,成长(grow up)于绵州昌隆县,号青莲居士,唐朝(Tang Dynasty)著名诗人(Famous poet)今存990多首诗歌(He had more than 990 poets),有《李太白文集》三十卷行世。李白在唐代已经享有盛名。他的诗集无定卷,家家有之」(no one collection his book,but eneryone learn it)作为中华诗坛第一人(he very famous in Chinese literary history)。
  李白是我国文学史上具有代表性的浪漫主义诗人(Romantic poets),是中国最著名的诗人之一,有“诗仙”之称(he had appellation called poets Immortal)。

i do this Introduction use 25min